Quebec has long been an important fishing destination. As early as the 15th century, several European fishermen explored our coast and were drawn to our natural ports and our waters brimming with fish. After the conquest in 1758, several British soldiers will establish themselves on the Gaspe Coast. They will pave the way for entrepreneurs from the islands of Jersey and Guernsey who will be very interested in our fisheries. Minding the economic possibilities and the strategic importance of our coast, they will establish fishing operations.
Due to the clear and pure nature of the Saint-Lawrence waters and the know-how of our artisans acquired during the centuries of our history, the Quebec seafood industry can offer products of superior quality. Most of our fisheries are certified, such as lobster, snow crab and Greenland halibut. These certifications are obtained due to the sustainability of our fishing practices when it comes to quotas, management of minimum capture sizes, using of scientific data to ascertain stock health and a rigorous control of our fishing activities and bycatch